Heart FM radio

Aim: to apply knowledge of media products and audiences to radio.

Starter: By which different platforms can you access radio broadcasting?

  • apps - tune in radio 
  • online web players
  • radio -fm, am 
  • podcasts 
Different platforms:
AM - amplitude modulation 
FM - frequency modulation 
DAB - digital audio broadcasting, available via a dab radio 
dedicated station's website 

Where can you access radio broadcasting?
  • car radio 
  • alexa/ google home - amazon echo 
  • black box - laptop, tablets, smart phones 
  • television 
  • online 
  • an actual radio 

Heart is UK's most popular commercial radio brand, built on a winning formula of feel good music and an all-star cast of presenters. Heart targets 25-44 year olds reaching 9.7 million listeners every week on air.
Heart FM is a radio network of 22 stations owned by global;
  • heart
  • classic 
  • smooth
  • capital 
  • radio x
  • LBC 
  • gold 
19 of Heart's 22 channels are owned by Global. The other 3 - Heart Hertfordshire, North Wales and Yorkshire - are owned by a Communicorp and operated under a franchise agreement.


Above-the-line traditional advertising
1. Billboard that is for everyone - it doesn't target one specific audience. Very informal font - pleasant to the human eye. "weekdays from 6am" - sounds like the radio goes on forever and never ends.

2. strawberries background to suggest happy radio - summer makes everyone happy.

Television ad: target audience is b/c1 nrs grade for this particular advert. Parents and nuclear families.

the website features advertising that coincides with current uk events, for example; mothers day. If readers click on the ad it takes you straight to the Zing website and allows you to buy flowers. 

Home page of Heart fm: 

Aims many parts of website at target audience - has a section for parenting, trends and the Royal family. Similarly if you go to listen to the radio via the website it begins with an advert which you cannot mute/ skip so much watch/ listen to it.  the website offers a search function so that you can find articles easily.  Website is interactive as you can find a particular radio broadcast that you like and add it to your radios list. 
Schedules with radio presenters twitter handles - aim at older target audience.

Sponsorship is used across the whole website to promote advertisers and create revenue for heart fm.

There is an option on the website to become a heart VIP:

Textual analysis: 

Jingles: a jingle is a short slogan, verse or tune designed to be easily remembered, and is especially used in advertising. These add to a product's overall brand identity - the elements that distinguish to for the consumer.

key terms:

Mode of address: the way in which a media product speaks to, or attracts its audience.

Sound motif: a sound effect or combination of sound effects associated with a particular setting, situation, character or idea.

Ident: a short piece of audio or audio-visual content produced by radio or television stations to identify themselves on air.

Heart fm - write a para about how its presented;
very informal
spin the wheel accents game

Rajar and audiences: 

RAJAR: stands for radio joint audience research and is the official body in charge of measuring radio audiences in the UK. It is jointly owned by the BBC and the Radiocentre on behalf of the commercial sector. It Can be used by radio stations analyse their audience profiles.

RAJAR infographic:

This infographic shows the amount of radio listeners across the UK. It states that 48.4 million adults in the UK listen to the radio each week. in the past 7 years, radio audiences have remained relatively stable. 2011 saw a high 89.8 listening to the radio while 2018's figure of 88.4% is a record low for the period, there have been no significant drops in radio consumption.


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